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ChambersWithin's avatar

Literature Text

Voices whisper in your ear;
Sweetest nothings, greatest fears.

All your life your friend is there,
Waiting with a tale to share.

Threats are blown into the air,
Ever present, meant to scare.

Someone tails your every move;
A hidden fiend, free to rove.

Disembodied voices say:
Never dare to disobey.

Your friend arrives with a grin,
A plan in mind, a great sin.

Trembling grips your paling hand.
Someone whispers their command.

Terrified, you call to me,
Hoping I can set you free.

But as you point out your friend,
Wishing that this all would end,

My answer renews your fear:
I see no one standing there.
I watched the movie A Beautiful Mind a while ago, and it inspired me to write this. There is so much we don't understand about this horrid mental illness, it's hard for us to understand what it's like for those who suffer from it. I will never be able to fully understand it myself, but I hope I've given you guys a good idea :)

edit: This poem is going to be my second published by the seasonal contest Creative Communication :w00t:
The first one is I'll be Near [link]
For anyone who's curious about the contest, go here [link]
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werebetteroffdead's avatar
i have schizophrenia. thats literally what i hear voices whispering bs to me